Sunday, December 8, 2019

Medical Terminology for Muscular Hyperactivity- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theMedical Terminology for Muscular Hyperactivity. Answer: Dermabrasion: Dermabrasion is a replenishing technique that removes the outer layers of the skin surgically and in a controlled manner. Apart from enhancing the skin beauty and fighting signs of ageing it is used in variety of conditions like acne scars, scars from accidents and sometime to remove precancerous growths called keratoses. Cytology: Cytology (cyto meaning cell and logy meaning study of) is the branch of science that deals with the structure, function, histology and chemistry of cells. It also deals with the interaction of cells with other similar or dissimilar cells by various biochemical and neural mechanisms. Microscopic and histologic studies of cell have wide spreading application in fields such as medicine, physiology, histology, diagnoses, genetics and molecular biology to name a few. Fibrosis: When the tissues of the body suffers from injury or damage the immune system is stimulated and immune cells such as cytokines, chemokines and growth factors are released for tissue repairing. These chemical messengers stimulate the production of fibrous tissues like collagen, glycoprotein, proteoglycans, etc. These fibrous tissues when deposited in an organ cause Fibrosis. Anaerobic: Anaerobic refers to the absence of oxygen. In life sciences the term anaerobic is most frequently used in relation to exercise physiology. During high intensity work the muscle cells utilise the anaerobic mechanism of energy production to obtain instant energy for contraction. Hypoglycaemia: Hypoglycaemia is the medical term used define the condition when blood glucose falls below 4mmol/L. It leads to lack of glucose supply to different parts of the body especially to the brain. Common symptoms are dizziness, fatigue, sweating, and loss of consciousness and so on. Appendectomy: Appendectomy is the surgical procedure to remove the rudimentary human organ Appendix when it suffers from inflammation. Inflammated appendix can suffer from bacterial infection and cause harm to the surrounding bodily organs and hence appendectomy is an emergency surgical procedure. Lethargy: Lethargy is a medical symptom characterised by feelings of sleepiness, fatigue and sluggishness. Often it a related to some other underlying physical or mental condition and includes related symptoms like decreased ability to think clearly, low energy and changes in mood. Leukopenia: The human blood consists of several white blood cells including basophil, eosinophil, lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils that play a major role in the immune function of the body. The condition characterised by deficiency in any of the white blood cells is known as leukopenia Immunologist: Immunologists are specialist physicians trained to diagnose and treat patients with disorders of the immune system. They work in various sectors of healthcare and treat allergic and autoimmune disease like arthritis, diabetes, asthma etc. CardiorespiratoryEndurance: Cardiorespiratory Endurance is described as the coordinated functioning of the heart, lungs and the circulatory system to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissues during sustained physical activity. It is also responsible for removing waste products from the working cells. It is a potent marker of fitness of an individual and is utilised for designing training protocols. Cytopathology: Cytopathology is the study of disease diagnosis that employs examination of the cells of different body parts to detect the cause of the disease. The Pap test is the most widely used cytopathology diagnostic test for diagnosis of several diseases. Colour Histogram: Colour histograms are normal histograms that show the colour levels of each individual colours of the Red Green and Blue (RGB) range. It helps determine the correct exposure of each component by combining each colour channels. Dermatosisneglecta: Dermatosis neglecta is a type of Dermatosis arising from reduced frictional cleansing of the body surface leading to the accumulation of corneocytes, sebum and sweat. It eventually results into hyperpigmented patches or verrucous plaques if left untreated. Muscular Hyperactivity: Muscular Hyperactivity is the over activity of the muscles causing accumulation of lactic acid and eventually muscle fatigue. Several orders of treatment is available for the treatment of muscular hyperactivity that includes initial conservative treatment, neutralization of the cause.

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